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Soule Kindred In America

SKA DNA Project

Last year [2023] Soule Kindred started a new DNA research group.  The goal of this project is to help descendants of George Soule of the Mayflower to break through their brick wall or connect their lineage back to the sixth generation that may not be proven yet.  This project uses autosomal DNA also called “Family Finder” test.  We use Family Tree DNA website [familytreedna.com] to process our kits.  The autosomal DNA test will show you matches on both your paternal and maternal sides. It starts with you and goes back five or 6 generations.  We do ask that you participate in the project once you are a member. For this project to work you will need to build your family tree starting with you. Invite family members to take an autosomal DNA test also.  We inherit 50% DNA from our mother and 50% from our father.  We inherit 25% from both sets of our grandparents. You and your siblings will get a combination of your ancestors DNA.  I found that my siblings had different matches than me because they received more centimorgan’s on that side of the family than I did. So test more family members to get better results.

The SKA board approved the research proposal at its July 2023 meeting. Key points in the proposal were:

  • the project will be hosted on the family tree DNA website (familytreedna.com).
  • there will be 3 SKA members as administrators, with the understanding that the administrators would change as research committee members leave and new members join the committee. In other words, the project would be “owned” by SKA, not any one person.
  • individuals will buy their own tests.
  • there will be no cost to SKA (unless the project administrators were to request DNA data from a particular subset of descendants to assist in the research, in which case SKA might be asked to pay for testing).
  • we will keep open the possibility of adding other forms of testing as the science grows.

If you would like to request to join our project, the link is:  https://www.familytreedna.com/project-join-request.aspx?group=SouleKindred

Need help understanding your matches?  There are many YouTube videos about DNA matches.  Also, check out Diahan Southard’s videos here (especially part #3): https://www.yourdnaguide.com/ydgblog/rootstech-2024

Soule Kindred Project Administrator:  janet.carper@soulekindred.org

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